Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Clearing the dust

Hey there.
Yes I am still here, waiting to become an artist.  Unfortunately if you want to attain things you have to really focus  as well put in the hours.
I have stamps and dies and all manner of paint supplies,  watercolors and Copic markers.  Yarn,  fabrics threads.  A completed quilt top that still has not been completed.

I just need make use of supplies that just seems to sit there  them
Same with needle Tatting and sewing,  and knitting etc; I have to stop waiting for the magic to hit and just  do it.
With that in mind today I will focus on actually completing a needle tatting project.   And continue to organize my crafting supplies so I can spend more time on working on projects instead of just looking for that one item I can never find.
I am taking a Copic markers class http://onlinecardclasses.com/copic/class-info/ on the 22nd of September.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Its been quite some time since I've last posted. I think life got in the way and well, I don't think I had anything really I wanted to say.
But, I do now, I've finished my first quilt top and first cross stitch finish of 2012 woohoo.
I once again promise to try to post more often 'k.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Its a new Day.

Well after much thought and discussion Robert and I did it. We've made the move to Metairie La, from San Pedro, Ca. And I already feel good about it. Did the move go without a single hassle nope, did our furniture arrive the same time we did nope, and did we manage our finances in such away as to be flush with cash on the other side no.
But, I'm ten minutes away from New Orleans, I have enjoyed a delightful Chicory coffee au lait and beignets at Cafe' Du Monde. I've gone to St Louis King of France cathedral and knelt in that wonderful place and said a rosary in thanks giving for the journey made.
I've also ran into a group of knitters last night at Borders which is literally five minutes away, and Sherrilyn Kenyon, one of my most favorite authors is coming to the B&N which is about 7 mins away the other direction.
And to top it off there's a food and wine festival in like 2 weeks.
So am I glad we did this, yes, is it scary picking up and making a move like this heck yeah, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Subject: Meet my new Kindle (Foldbox)

Date: May 5, 2009 5:26 PM Topic: Meet my new Kindle (Foldbox)

Mothers day came early this year.  Robert surprised me with a brand new Kindle 2.  And its love at first sight.  When he presented it to me, you could have bowled me over with a feather, I mean I had hinted at it for months I suppose, or shall I say since the first rumors of Kindles existence.
And is it ever a cool toy.  I have the L.A. Times, various books, J R. Wards new book Lover Avenged.  Which I'm 54% done with and can I say Wow, this book really works on so many levels.  I was almost worried that there was to many threads going on. But, I was mistaken, she is the WARDen after all and she just keeps building and moving and well its good.
Also picked up a bunch of free books everything from Frankenstein by Mary Shelly to Lara Adrian's Kiss of Midnight, and Cooks Illustrated highly readable How to cook library.  There are dozens of great books that are free, either for a limited time, or public domain books available.
Oh and the new thing about the change in the charge to wirelessly receive files.
BFD just send your files to Kindles free service they send you an email with the new azw file attached and before you can say boo it can be transferred by usb to your kindle.
One of the greatest sources for information are the Kindle Boards, at www.kindleboards.com an excellent resource and great and helpful people.
So thats where I stand at the moment, still working on my KAL of February lady with my friends from Long Beach's Stitch and Beach.
And reading and learning on my Kindle 2, now if my Decal Girl decal would arrive.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My local Stitch and Beach has decided to have a KAL, ( knit a long) and the pattern we seem to have agreed on is the wildly popular and oft downloaded February Lady Sweater by Pamela Wynn of http://www.flintknits.com/blog/?p=151 . I appreciate how she gave a big acknowledgement to Elizabeth Zimmerman
Its a wonderful pattern that seems to have no end to the links and groups of people who have made it. At last count 5379 current different projects on ravelry and 8789 Queues.
I found some lovely  malabrigo,  this blue is like looking at the ocean on a really clear day, they call it Azul Profundo its knitting up like a dream, still working on the garter section but i'm loving watching it come together.   Also picked up EZ's Knitters Almanac 
Yes I checked gauge, and I'm sure I am dead on I hope.
Anyway thanks to my friends at Long beach Stitch and Beach I"m knitting again and truly enjoying myself.
Hope to post more as things get done.
Oh I also did work on some earrings and stitch markers I need to post this to maybe tomorrow now its way past bed time sterling and copper lots of fun. ok enough for now. night all

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Still plugging away at my Mardi Gras socks, I really think this technique of knitting them together makes a lot of sense, just wish i knit faster so i can turn this heel and see some results.

Also got a twitter from Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
who with a group of other fabulous knitters and teachers and fiber artists are having a summit there's going to be classes and looking at all manners of fiber, also hopefully a chance to spin some as well classes on spinning to would be nice.
The dates are already covered in red on my calender nothing will keep me away. Just click on the link and be amazed at just how many wonderful people have agreed to do this.
I will of course write more as the date (August 6-9, 2009)approaches.
Click on the link for more information and enjoy

Monday, February 09, 2009

Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, the colors remind me of Mardi Gras, so that's what I'm calling the colorway. :) I'm going to cast on a pair of socks today using the patterns and techniques from 2-at-a-time Socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes. I'm tired of SSS( single sock syndrome) and am determined to not just start but finish a pair of socks. Just need to pick a pattern